Medway Park
The redevelopment of the former Black Lion Leisure Centre in Gillingham, Kent was significantly overbudget and at risk of delay when we were brought on board to redesign, obtain planning permission, and help to deliver Medway’s Regional Centre of Sporting Excellence, within budget, and in time to host the 2010 Modern Pentathlon World Cup.
The site lies within the Brompton Lines Conservation Area and the Great Lines Park— a candidate for World Heritage Site and an Area of Local Landscape Importance. Planning involved consultations with English Heritage to mitigate the impact of the large extension on historic landscape views.
Progression of different interior and exterior views and spaces to create a feeling of generosity, throughout, with room to comfortably handle large crowds and events. Designs include a central link building to move large numbers up and down a storey quickly and efficiently without the need for mechanical transport systems.
The project involves landscaping, extensions and refurbishment. Works included an 8-lane athletic track and football pitch, 12-court multi-purpose sports hall and two floors of health-and-fitness suite. Refurbishment works include the entrance / reception, wet changing rooms, health club changing rooms, dance studio, café, a new entrance and University of Kent Sports Science centre ( with a high altitude training room ). Repair and redecoration works include the existing swimming pool hall.
We were retained by Medway Council to complete the numerous refurbishment works packages, with the building largely open to the public throughout.
Since completion, the centre’s annual turnover has trebled, bringing a healthy revenue to the council. Medway Park served as a 2012 Olympic and Paralympic training centre, and hosted the Wheelchair Rugby World Cup in 2013.
The project won the retrospective 2017 Medway Design and Development Award for Best Community Public Building completed in Medway in the last decade.