We have moved to Great Lines Studios
Posted in Archive & Heritage or local interest & News
Tagged : Historic building , Gillingham Kent , Air Training Cadet Core , WWII RAF hut , Adaptive re-use
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We have moved to Great Lines Studios
We have moved!
At 6pm on Monday 22nd Chris Warden of Move2Clear turned up with his trusty crew and began loading up the vans ( we were still packing up 'til midnight ), at 2am Tuesday 23rd 200 boxes, tables, chairs, IT, shelves, odds and ends were unloaded into the former Air Training Cadet Core hut in Gillingham, now renamed the Great Lines Studios-- new home of Clay Architecture.
The studio is a former WWII RAF hut ( with bomb shelter ) built by the sappers-- a pre-cast concrete portal frame building which Kasan and Camilla bought from the MOD this year. The hut is a bit of a Tardis-- not much to look at from the outside-- acres of space on the inside-- space which we're in the process of customising for our very own use.
Steeped in history too: the hut sits on the edge of the Great Lines Park in Gillingham ( the profile of which now forms our redesigned letterhead ), part of the Brompton Lines heritage site-- Camilla's Grandfather was stationed nearby during the War, there are rumours that tunnels from Fort Amherst run right under us.
We're currently stationed in a site office in one of the rooms whilst work goes on in the rest of building. This morning Gransdens knocked out 3 of the 8 new windows to the drawing office, letting in the light. We will keep you updated on progress.
Posted in Archive & Heritage or local interest & News
Tagged : Historic building , Gillingham Kent , Air Training Cadet Core , WWII RAF hut , Adaptive re-use
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20 Things We Like - Video 1: Great Lines Studios